So, it's been a couple of months since the last one, and this time I can
report substantial progress that has all taken place within the last 3
Executive summary:
- We can do a conversion pass of CVS to Git in just under 3 hours!
- pre-upload-hook is shaping up, as upstream commit-notes and sparse
- Work in feature development / Git conversions of existing
infrastructure is needed now.
cvs2svn work:
ferringb stepped up, and kicked the living crap out of the cvs2svn code.
I don't have a complete diff of his changes on hand, but by using
snakeoil, unladen swallow and fixing up some parts of the cvs2svn code,
he's dropped our cvs2svn time to an amazing 110 minutes. (When we
started this process, it was 19 hours, then 9 hours, now sub 2 hours).
I don't think it's going to get much better than this :-).
Time breakdown for conversion, approximate values:
cvs2svn = 110 minutes.
fast-import = 25 minutes
initial repack = 25 minutes
Validation of converted tree:
Still needs work, hope to work on it in February month myself.
pre-upload-hook, ford_prefect:
The hook code has gone through two rounds of review between ford_prefect and
myself, and should hopefully be posted to the upstream Git mailing list this
commit signing:
No news. rbu? Volunteers needed. New ypstream 1.7.x branch DOES have
commit notes support now.
Thin manifest:
No news.
sparse trees:
Now available in upstream 1.7.0-rc0, which has been tagged, but no
tarballs released yet.
Testing git-cvsserver:
No news. Volunteers needed.
commit hooks/portage to rsync conversion scripts:
No news. Volunteers needed.
cvs2svn Statistics:
Total CVS Files: 378069
Total CVS Revisions: 2436256
Total CVS Branches: 120165
Total CVS Tags: 23298
Total Unique Tags: 5
Total Unique Branches: 2
CVS Repos Size in KB: 1632386
Total SVN Commits: 710891
First Revision Date: Fri Jul 28 00:35:42 2000
Last Revision Date: Sun Jan 17 01:25:36 2010
Timings (seconds):
905 pass1 CollectRevsPass
94 pass2 CleanMetadataPass
0 pass3 CollateSymbolsPass
425 pass4 FilterSymbolsPass
7 pass5 SortRevisionSummaryPass
0 pass6 SortSymbolSummaryPass
594 pass7 InitializeChangesetsPass
677 pass8 BreakRevisionChangesetCyclesPass
631 pass9 RevisionTopologicalSortPass
194 pass10 BreakSymbolChangesetCyclesPass
607 pass11 BreakAllChangesetCyclesPass
452 pass12 TopologicalSortPass
758 pass13 CreateRevsPass
13 pass14 SortSymbolsPass
13 pass15 IndexSymbolsPass
1254 pass16 OutputPass
6624 total
Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Trustee & Infrastructure Lead
E-Mail : robbat2-aBrp7R+bbdUdnm+***
GnuPG FP : 11AC BA4F 4778 E3F6 E4ED F38E B27B 944E 3488 4E85